Venture Capital Jobs and Internships at Planet 9 Studio
Planet 9 Studio is trailblazing the path for neurodiverse children, teens & young adults to unleash their potential, achieve their goals, and enjoy the thriving & fulfilling life journeys that they deserve.
We build companies that harvest the power of technology and AI, evidence-based methods, and our deep understanding of consumers’ psyche to deliver ground-breaking solutions to neurodiverse young humans across a variety of life-dimensions, including cognitive, behavioral and emotional health, social wellness, learning and employment.
Our differentiated strategy and unique approach are fueling the creation of innovative solutions at an order-of-magnitude larger scale than anything seen before, delivering a life-changing impact for neurodiverse young-humans, their families and their entire ecosystem.
Who we are
We are a nimble team of experienced investors, entrepreneurs and doers who believe that the world was not built with neurodiverse humans in mind and we feel a sense of urgency to change that. We are quirky and neurodiverse ourselves, and we don't hide it. We practice what we preach.
Our Vision
We created Planet 9 Studio to reimagine the path for neurodiverse children, teens & young adults (“young humans”) to unleash their potential, achieve their goals and enjoy thriving and fulfilling life journeys that they deserve across a variety of life-dimensions, including cognitive, behavioral & emotional health, social wellness, learning and employment.
Our Mission
Leveraging our deep understanding of consumers’ psyche and our extensive experience in this category, we build companies that harvest the power of technology, Artificial Intelligence, and evidence-based methods to deliver wide range of high-impact solutions to neurodiverse young humans, their families, and other key stakeholders in their lives
Our unique and “untethered” approach is driving the creation of solutions at an orders-of-magnitude larger scale than anything seen before and that are set to deliver an industry and life-changing impact on the lives of neurodiverse young-humans and the entire ecosystem surrounding them.
Our Studio Model
The reason we chose to build a startup-studio to bring our vision to life is twofold.
The first is simple: the very broad range of consumers we’re serving and the intricate and acute pain points they are facing daily are quite unfathomable, yet the solutions available are few and far between. For over a decade, through our experience and expertise and deep understanding of consumers and market dynamics, we’ve amassed a treasure trove of strategies and ideas to solve these vast industry gaps that will most effectively come to life by building multiple companies, not just one.
The second reason we chose to build a startup-studio is to avoid the very high failure rate (+90%) of young startups. As a startup-studio, we can reduce these high failure rates as we act in essence like a womb by providing for all the essential needs of the “unborn” seed-ideas from day one to a successful launch and post launch growth support. We are able to master the startup-creation process and scale it via a strong bench of in-house experienced entrepreneurs, our deep category expertise, and frictionless access to funding via investors who are also our co-founders.
Why “Planet 9”?
Two Caltech astronomers, Konstantin Batygin & Mike Brown, found the existence of a potential new planet named “Planet 9” (or “Planet X”) that is 10X bigger than earth. Planet 9 gravitationally dominates its neighborhood of the solar system - a region of domination larger than any of the other known planets—a fact that Brown says makes it "the most planet-y of the planets in the whole solar system."
Since only two planets have been discovered since ancient times, the discovery of Planet 9 means that “a pretty substantial chunk of our solar system is still out there to be found, which is pretty exciting."
Our vision is to build the “Planet-9” solution for neurodiverse humans: a solution that is massively bigger in scale and impact than anything built before, it’s closer and easier to build than what key industry stakeholders may think, and we can use the power of technology to get there.
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