On Deck is a community where ambitious people learn and build together. Silicon Valley is a mindset, not a physical location. Anyone can contribute to progress through technology.
Who we are
On Deck captures what made Silicon Valley great — an abundant ecosystem of talent, capital, and ideas, plus a spirit of service — and makes it available on the Internet. Whether you're just starting out or ready to give back, we help you find your people, act on your ambition, and broaden your impact.
Why we do it
On Deck is on a mission to create more startups. Startups solve hard problems, like climate change and longevity. They contribute to economic growth and contribute to nearly all net job growth. Startups are also a vehicle for personal growth and professional relationship building.
How it works
On Deck empowers and connects people to accelerate ideas and careers. We believe that there is a massive misallocation of human capital, and we're here to help people have more productive and fulfilling careers. See how our team rows together.
We're building a lasting institution for ambitious people who want to grow together.
We’re at the beginning of a 100+ year journey. What began as a humble dinner series has, in the last two years, transformed into a thriving business responsible for the creation of over 650+ companies that have surpassed $800M in funding. While it’s been a great start, we’ve only just begun.