FLEETCOR is not only at the forefront of technology – we’re shaping the future of business payments with innovative products, sophisticated automation, and secure processing. We give businesses a better way to pay.
The FLEETCOR story is a see-a-problem, solve-the-problem, tell-the-world classic. Despite sweeping technological advances in B2C payments, B2B payments have lagged behind, creating a tremendous opportunity for innovation, as FLEETCOR CFO Charles Freund described in a recent interview:
"Businesses make an estimated $170 trillion in payments each year, mostly with outdated and inefficient methods. Digital payments help prevent unauthorized employee purchases, enable better reporting to help businesses manage expenses and cashflow, and also reduce fraud."
The FLEETCOR team has cracked the code. We've assembled an A-team of business partners, payment networks, and employees. We have the technology and have made it our mission to develop and deliver better ways to pay.