We're a community of students backing outlier startups in Southern California.
With 20 partners spanning 12+ universities, we build relationships with SoCal's best founders and companies. As students, we connect with alumni and founders before they're founders. We run a syndicate, connecting SoCal's biggest dreamers with funding from our community of angels.
SoCal has a gap between founders and capital.
SoCal universities produce top technical talent but its founders have little access to early-stage venture capital.
Deal flow from regional universities is opaque for institutional investors— meaning most miss out on the region's outlier returns.
And we've bridged it once before.
At California Crescent Fund, we invested 20+ portfolio companies to bridge SoCal's best talent with the capital they need. We've worked with our LPs to back outlier companies and make our impact— now, we're spinning out and ready to do it again through a new Syndicate.
We're looking for founders who…
Have SoCal in their DNA: 1+ founding member being a SoCal student, dropout, or alum.
Hold an Unfair GTM Advantage: What makes you the right team to build and sell this product?
Build & Test Quickly: Focused on building product, launching fast, and iterating.
Chase a "Why Now?" Timing matters: how do you see the world around you right now?