Venture Capital Jobs and Internships at Clearvision Ventures
We are a venture capital firm formed by entrepreneurs dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs build category leading companies.
We are all entrepreneurs who have started successful companies to change the world for the better—in one case from zero to over a billion in revenues in less than a decade. We have a true long term view—our fund is an independent evergreen fund, with no end of fund life date, thereby avoiding many of the conflicts typical in the venture industry. Finally, we strive to have a life-long relationship with all our entrepreneurs.
First and foremost, our primary goal is to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. While we can invest at any stage, from early to expansion to late stage growth, we’d prefer to get to know you and your vision—and how we can help—early. We can invest as little as one million dollars to as much as ten million in a single company. Currently, we are interested in software companies that can apply innovations in IoT, Big Data, and Security technology, to drive meaningful disruptions in energy and infrastructure sustainability, and establish clear category dominance and leadership.
We have a diverse ecosystem of people and partners that can help. This might include partnering opportunities, customer opportunities, company scaling and team building advice, and strategy development. Please talk to us about how we can help you and your business grow.
With an independent, evergreen fund, we're unconcerned with structural issues that lead to entrepreneur-unfriendly activity at most venture firms today. Our "unconcerns" include timing out, the next fundraise, and arbitrary investment constraints, enabling us to be structurally aligned with our entrepreneurs' best interests.
Timing out
Venture Today. Most funds operate on a 10-year timeframe, after which holdings in portfolio companies are liquidated and distributed to LPs. This means that when a fund is close to timing out, investors can push for a premature exit—even if that goes against an entrepreneurs' long-term vision.
How We’re Different. Our fund is an independent, evergreen fund with no end-of-fund-life.
The next fundraise
Venture Today. Once an investment is made, the capital deployed is gone for good. This means that investors are under constant pressure to raise the next fund, which often leads to entrepreneur-unfriendly behavior that optimizes fundraising.
How We’re Different. We recycle most of our proceeds back into the fund, thereby eliminating the need to fundraise.
Arbitrary investment constraints
Venture Today. Constraints on fund strategy are usually set when VCs market their funds to LPs. These typically include limitations on stage (Seed / Series A only), arbitrary ownership targets (at least 20% ownership), and control (board seat required).
How We're Different. We're flexible as to investment stage, ownership targets, and board representation. We only care about partnering with category leaders.
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