Venture Capital Jobs and Internships at Bayern Kapital
Bavaria's venture capital and growth investor for the high-tech sector.
We are Bavaria’s venture capital and growth investor for start-ups with innovative technologies since 1995. From the approximately € 700 million investment volume we manage, we finance innovative Bavarian start-ups and technology companies from the seed phase to the expansion phase.
Through our investment, you become part of an important network in the venture capital and growth segment with VCs, business angels and entrepreneurially experienced experts. Our network and our investment managers support you in your entrepreneurial challenges such as co-investments and follow-up financing.
More than 26 years of experience as an investor in the technology sector make us a partner who stands by your side with patience and competence even in challenging times. With us, there is no fixed standard procedure. We support you as flexibly as your company requires.
High-tech inspires us! We invest in start-ups in all fields of technology, including biotechnology / life science, software & IT, medical technology, new materials, nanotechnology and environmental technology. We have already supported more than 300 Bavarian high-tech companies – we would be happy to do the same for you!
About Bayern Kapital
Bayern Kapital was founded in 1995 as a venture capital company of the Free State of Bavaria. With 30 employees, we currently manage twelve investment funds with an investable volume of investment of approximately EUR 700 million. Our focus is on financing the founders of Bavarian high-tech companies as well as young, innovative technology companies to facilitate their access to venture capital for the development and market launch of new products.
We invest from specifically structured investment funds and work closely with other venture capital companies (including the federal initiatives Coparion of the KfW and High-Tech Gründerfonds), business angels, family offices and experienced business experts. In addition to fresh capital, the Bayern Kapital network provides investee companies with supplementary business expertise and specific market contacts. The innovative, technology-oriented companies come from a wide variety of industries such as biotechnology/life science, software & IT, medical technology, materials & new materials, nanotechnology and environmental technology; as a consequence more than 8,000 jobs have been permanently created in sustainable and future-oriented companies.
Investment examples: voxeljet AG, EOS Elektro Optical Systems, eGym GmbH, Limata GmbH (industrial technologies); Definiens AG, FTAPI Software GmbH, congatec AG, crealytics GmbH, cunesoft GmbH, Propertybase GmbH (software, IT, communications); SuppreMol GmbH, TNI AG, Corimmun GmbH, Micromet AG, GeneArt AG, MorphoSys AG, numares AG, Pieris AG (life sciences).
Our tailor-made funding concepts enable us to accompany founder teams and technology companies from start to exit; Wachstumsfonds Bayern (EUR 100 million, with a further EUR 165 million as of 2020) launched in 2015 enables us to invest up to EUR 10 million per company in start-ups with particularly high potential.
Corporate strategy & investment focus
With new commitments, Bayern Kapital currently invests in the following funds:
Seedfonds Bayern provides young technology companies with venture capital for the early stages. The fund is keen to invest in cooperation with experienced business experts. The latter supports the seed fund investment as an industry and management mentor. Seedfonds Bayern initially provides up to EUR 250,000, and in the case of co-funding with High-Tech Gründerfonds, the initial joint maximum investment is EUR 750,000.
Bayern Kapital Innovationsfonds provides young technology companies with venture capital of up to EUR 2 million for financing their innovations. The fund always invests together with a private investor who injects capital into the investee company to the same amount as Bayern Kapital Innovationsfonds. The private investor oversees the investment on the basis of a cooperation agreement and supports the investee with strategic planning and implementation. He also mediates contacts with potential customers and partners. Bayern Kapital Innovationsfonds also cooperates with business angels according to the 30/70 funding model. Bayern Kapital Innovationsfonds provides up to 70% of the funding amount.
Wachstumsfonds Bayern provides young technology enterprises (small and mid-sized companies) in Bavaria with venture capital for growth financing as a co-investment partner. The requirement is that the young technology company has a successful business model, has completed seed and A-series funding rounds and wishes to expand. The funding contribution per start-up lies between EUR 2 million and EUR 10 million (also as part of several financing rounds).
ScaleUp-Fonds Bayern managed by Bayern Kapital provides venture capital for growth financing to strongly expanding high-tech companies in Bavaria as a co-investment partner, in cooperation with one or several independent private investors (hereinafter “private investor”). As a consequence, technology-oriented innovative companies are able to obtain higher financing. This enables them to undertake significant growth steps such as entry into international sales markets or preparing for exit.
The fund volume of ScaleUp-Fonds Bayern totals EUR 200 million; per company, EUR 10 – 25 million can be invested.
As a long-term and committed investor, Bayern Kapital has a stabilising impact on the relationship between founders and independent private investors. We provide founders and companies with our many years of experience, comprehensively and free of charge, throughout the entire investment period. Together with regional business plan competitions, business incubators and start-up-oriented institutions, potential founders and technology-oriented companies are motivated, advised and qualified in terms of content.
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